190 online reviews
17 testimonials
If 5 Different Allergy Medications Can't Help, What Can?
I suffered from severe asthma due to allergies for at least 2 months. The asthma was causing an awful cough which was making me lose sleep. I was spending over $200 a month on 5 different allergy medications and I was still suffering. I was at my breaking point because I was completely exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally. Perhaps related, I was also in constant pain at the time with headaches and joint pain, especially in my knees.
Since starting treatments, I have had amazing results. My allergies and asthma improved each visit, and I saw an improvement in my energy levels within 2 weeks. After 2 months of treatments I am only on one allergy medication, I don't have headaches or join pain anymore, and I am sleeping a lot better. I am very happy to have my quality of life back!
190 online reviews
17 testimonials