190 online reviews
17 testimonials
Bad Pain After L4-L5 Disc Fusion Operation
In 2005, I underwent major back surgery. Afterwards I tried chiropractic care, physical therapy, and massage therapy but none had any last results. I met with a surgeon who told me I was an excellent candidate for a fusion of L4 and L5 discs. I was 50 years old, in excellent physical shape (I have ran 16 marathons) and hoped the surgery would get me back on the road. After the surgery and with one year of recovery my pain level did not improve, instead it got progressively worse. I went back to physical therapy, massage therapy, attended pain clinics and considered injections.
Over the years following the second surgery my pain levels for everyday activities hovered between 6-8 out of 10. I found it difficult to do basic things such as run, bend over to pick something off the floor, put socks on, get out of bed, etc. I resigned myself to a life of constant pain especially after an MRI and my doctors saying the surgery was a "success".
In October (2012), I was given a coupon to try acupuncture. So far, I have gone 12 times and I am ecstatic about the results I have had. I have moved from a pain level of 8 to about a 2, and sometimes no pain at all. This is a miracle to me. I am back running 6-8 miles per day and I am able to do the everyday things without pain. I give G&L Acupuncture my highest recommendations.
190 online reviews
17 testimonials