190 online reviews
17 testimonials
Treating the Lingering Effects of Bell's Palsy
Over the past 14 months, I have had Bell's Palsy four times. I felt disabled, stressed, scared, and hopeless. I tried the medical model with medications, therapy, and a home stimulation unit. Each bout of Bell's Palsy became worse and the recovery period increased.
In November 2016, my fourth bout should have resolved after 2 months, but I remained with numbness at the left side of my face and mouth. My left eye was affected, too. My face was distorted, I had difficulty speaking and eating, and I could not play my flute in my church orchestra.

Gloria Lindell, January 26, 2017
I came to G&L Acupuncture and Wellness Center in November 2016 desperate and requesting help. My MD had told me that I would have permanent complications and to live with it. But I knew that my stress level was not manageable and because of it my immune system was compromised. I was willing to make the commitment to acupuncture.
My acupuncturist, Pam Lovall, and the staff were so receptive to me. I received education, support, and encouragement which was so instrumental in my recovery. With each visit, my acupuncturist assessed my progress and concerns.
I am so glad to report that my Bell's Palsy has resolved without complications. My life changed because of G&L Acupuncture and Wellness Center. I am much more balanced, healthy, and happy. I am now on my maintenance treatment plan to keep my life this way. Acupuncture is vital to my life! I extend my deepest gratitude to my acupuncturist and the staff who made my life so beautiful!
Gloria Lindell
190 online reviews
17 testimonials